Balko Shopify FAQ
SHOPIFY FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS Here are some of the most frequently asked questions for the Shopify portion of Balkobot. How are positive keywords formatted?
Positive keywords are formatted simply by typing the word (ex: yeezy) then pressing either the spacebar or enter key. The word should now be highlighted green.
How are negative keywords formatted?
Negative keywords are formatted simply by typing the word with a - infront of the keyword (ex: -kids) then pressing either the spacebar or enter key. The word should now be highlighted red.
How do I enable a Captcha harvester?
To enable a Captcha harvester, tick the box at the top. The switch will turn green when the harvester is enabled and red for when it is disabled. It is recommended to sign in on each harvester using a separate gmail and proxy for each. Make sure to hit save proxy to save the current inputted proxy.
How do I assign proxies to a task?
Proxies will be automatically assigned to tasks after being put into the proxy list. To instead assign each task to a proxy manually, tick the specific proxy box upon task creation and input your proxy on the line below.
Why are my tasks stuck on (insert task status here)?
If your tasks are stuck, It is highly likely that your proxies are to blame. First try running the task without any proxies loaded in the proxy list, then, only if the issue persists, open a ticket.
What is restock mode? How do I use it?
Restock mode allows you to add sizes that are already out of stock to your cart and continuously attempt submitting the checkout. Specific sizes must be used for restock mode to work properly; random sizing will not work. The product variants must also be loaded. For more information on restock mode, please refer to the user manual.
What is force captcha? Force captcha goes hand-in-hand with restock mode. If you're seeing the task status sit on waiting for restock instead of submitting checkout, it is likely that there is a pending Captcha. Forcing Captcha is not necessary; however, it allows the task to complete the checkout process much faster.
What is the shipping manager? How do I use it?
The shipping manager will alleviate most ERROR GETTING SHIPPING RATES statuses on websites that are under load, and increase checkout speed significantly. This is risky, however, as sites could change the shipping rate to your location at any time. It is recommended to run one task with, and one task without the preset shipping rate.
To use the shipping manager:
Navigate to the settings tab and select Add Rates
Select a website and a profile
Go onto the desired website and find a product similar to what you'll be buying
Paste the link into Product Link
Name this rate whatever you would like
Click Harvest Rate Preset rates can also be used in the Rate Token input box. An example of a preset rate for DSMNY shipping within the USA is shopify-Domestic%20Express%20(1-3%20business%20days)-15.00
How can I run a range of sizes in a single task?
To run multiple sizes in a single task, simply separate each size with a comma (ex: 7,7.5,8,8.5,9,9.5 would select either size 7, 7.5, 8, 8.5, 9, or 9.5).
Balkobot is extremely laggy or I am receiving Java Binary Error. How do I fix this?
It is very likely that you are not using 64 bit Java. Please completely uninstall Java by following this video, then refer to the download links below for the most up-to-date 64 bit Java download.
I am receiving Java runtime error when attempting to open Balkobot. How do I fix this?
To fix this, please install Java
Click the link below for instructions
Which Windows server works best for Balkobot?
It is recommended to use either 2012, 2016, or 2019 Microsoft Base Windows servers.
Why can't my tasks with account login enabled not log in? Why am I getting login Captcha?
It is likely that your account has either been flagged or not activated. If your account is activated and is not flagged, then bad proxies are likely to blame.
How do I do random sizing?
To have Balkobot select any size at random, type random in the size input box, then tick the random if unavailable box.
How can I create multiple tasks with different sizes all under one profile?
To create multiple tasks all under the same profile, but with different sizing for each task, input each size desired separated by an & (ex: 8&8.5&9 would create one task for size 8, one task for size 8.5, and one task for size 9).
What is the dot jig option available when creating a profile?
Dot jig will automatically and randomly place dots between each character in your email address upon the submission of your order.
What is the random 4 characters option when creating a profile?
Random 4 characters will automatically place 4 random characters infront of your address line 1.
I keep getting "damaged app" when attempting to open Balkobot on my Mac. How do I fix this?
Go to spotlight search (the magnifying class in top right corner)
Search the term Terminal
Enter this function : sudo spctl --master-disable
This will enable you to download and open files from any developer
Redownload Balkobot, and open it again
Go back to security and privacy in system preferences and change it back to identified developers only if you prefer extra security
How does Balkobot detect sizes?
Balkobot will pick sizes if they match either the beginning or end of the size title exactly. A site with the format US9/EU42.5/UK8 will require US9 or 8. The middle portion of the specified size will be ignored, as it is not at the beginning/end of the title.
Why am i stuck on submitting and not rotating out of oos?
Proxy limited/ throttle. Raise delay
Why am i stuck on creating checkout?
Bad proxy. Check with your provider.
Why am i stuck on submitting checkpoint?
Site lag/Site crash/Proxy limit
Why does it show captcha found but no captcha popped up on harvester?
Site lag/Site crash/Proxy lag
My Balkobot will not open. How do I fix this?
Reinstall Java and the Bot
Make sure key is deactivated by using !key and !deactivate to deactivate
Make sure Anti Virus Is DISABLED/UNINSTALLED ( eg. Norton Security Scan ) and that the Balkobot executable is located in the installation directory and has not been removed.
Try Running Updater.exe in folder.
My Balkobot crashes everytime i close the bot. What do i do?
Close the V3 Harvester
Close your captcha solvers
Then proceed to close the bot
Why are my tasks are stuck in queue?
Your tasks are stuck in queue likely because your tasks picked up the product late
You started your task late
You didnt start your task 10-15 minutes earlier and other bots pre-carts are causing a major queue
I got this in my captcha harvester. What can i do?
Your server requested too many captchas, and google flagged your ip so you cant request anymore. You can either restart bot or wait for a while. Haverster will reset back to normal when google unflag your ip
I got this in my captcha harvester. What can i do?
Your server requested too many captchas, and google flagged your ip so you cant request anymore. For this you can only restart your bot
What is a V3 Harvester?
V3 Harvester is a captcha harvester used for Adidas and Yeezysupply.
Why is my V3 Harvester blank?
Captcha V3 are invisible captchas. They are different from your normal captchas. Hence it is blank
Can i close my V3 Harvester blank?
Unless you are running for Yeezysupply and Adidas, V3 Harvester is useless. Therefore you can close it when running for normal sites.
Why am i not getting one clicks anymore?
Shopify has been using a new captcha site key that makes it nearly impossible to obtain a one click captcha. The only reccomendation is to find a gmail that is good enough to obtain one clicks. FYI, Checkpoint captchas are 100% non one clicks.
Why do i get one click captchas on other bots and not on balko?
Firstly, different bots have different harvesters. Having one click captchas on one bot does not guarentee one click captchas on the other. Secondly, other bots are using the older shopify captcha sitekey. Hence it is easier to obtain one click captchas. However is outdated.
Checkpoint captcha is Looping Captcha. Why?
Checkpoint Captchas may fail captcha validation. Hence, Captcha loops at times.
How to use Restock Mode
What is restock mode: Restock Mode enables task to cart item that is oos and loops at checkout to ensure a faster checkout. Steps: 1. Use Variants or Link. Product has to be loaded backend. When using link, individual size is needed. Size Range or Random wont work. 2. Enable restock mode on the top right. 3. If site has checkout captcha enabled, force captcha IS needed. Otherwise it would need to wait for a product to restock in order to proceed to go to payment. This can be checked by going to the site and checking out a product manually 4. Note that restock mode throttles your proxies pretty quickly. So use a high delay.
How to setup Paypal
Make sure to login to paypal using the button located on the settings page before running your task. Things to take note: Paypal login doesnt auto refresh itself. After 5 minutes of inactivity it will log you out. So login to your paypal 5 minutes before the drop
Last updated
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