1- Does this bot work on Nike?

No, currently this bot only works on Shopify, Footsites & Supreme, BSTN, FootlockerEU, & Demandware.

2- How do I set up tasks?

For previous instructions, go read #releases-instructions!

3- What is the shared monitor feature & how do I use it?


  • The monitor does not wait for restocks on an item that had already dropped. However, for some restocks, the shop drops a new item with the new stock, & in that case the monitor WILL capture it.

  • There is a green light at the bottom of your monitor window, it means that it is connected & working. If it turns RED, it means it is not working.

  • Currently the monitor does not work on DSM, YeezySupply or Footsites.

  • For scheduled date/time drops, it is better not to rely on the monitor & instead follow our instructions in the #release channel on our discord. THE SHARED MONITOR IS ONLY BEST USED FOR SUDDEN DROPS.

  • Keywords field is mandatory when hooking a task to the monitor. Keywords is the connection & the task will only start if the dropped item has the keywords & is from the same site.

4- I downloaded the bot on a server, then destroyed the server, what should I DO??


5- How do I format keywords?

Just spaces, plain & simple. The item's title should contain all the words you have set in your keywords to get picked up. For examples & more valuable information,

Last updated