Common Issues & FAQ
When running you might face some issues that are not necessarily bot related - here you should be able to find some possible fixes for issues you might face when running.
Adidas / YS
1. Local v3 solvers are not solving Fix : Add a new proxy and use a new email in the solver, then hit force reload. You will know that they are solving because the counter (top left) will go up and down. If this issue persists try to use a 3rd party solver.
2. Not entering waiting room Fix : This is most likely due to bad proxies, make sure your proxies arent banned and regenerate a new pool of proxies. Also make sure that if your proxies are IP auth, that you have whitelisted the correct IPs.
3. Not passing waiting room Fix : If you feel like you have been sat in the waiting room for too long, try generating a new proxy pool and restart the waiting room with those. Also try using a new email/proxy combo for your solvers.
4. White screen Fix : Delete the .json file relative to the module you white screened on. For example, on adidas tasks: tasks.json, or solvers: googleaccounts.json.
5. Lagging / Using a lot of memory Fix : Make sure your threads (in settings) are updated. It should typically be 10 for an average PC but you can scale this up depending on your PC's power. Make sure to restart the bot after adjusting.
6. Looping on ATC Fix : Sometimes it will hang when you are trying to add a product to cart, if this occurs try restarting that task or running for a different size.
7. Waiting for token Fix : If your tasks are waiting for a token it means that you have not passed splash yet. You need to make sure you have tasks entered in the waiting room and you have passed and received tokens before attempting to cart.
8. Waiting for captcha Fix : On your tasks, set captcha to NO.
9. Empty cart manual mode Fix : Try refreshing the page.
How to deal with declines:
Only getting declines recently? You can try out the following tips to see if it minimizes them. Keep in mind that declines don't always mean that you need to try the following tips, sometimes declines are caused by the item being out of stock at payment, the payment processor being fried and sometimes it is just random errors.
Your profile, change or adjust the following parts: First Name, Last Name, Address, Phone, Email.
Your credit cards, it is possible that your provider or card has been banned, because of this we recommend trying out new providers or making new cards.
Use the same address for shipping and billing.
If using random phone numbers, make sure they correlate with your country and only use a maximum of 10 digits.
Do not jig extremely hard, make sure your address still looks real and when a profile works do not adjust it until it starts getting declines while items are instock.
Use each credit card only once per profile.
Setup stuck halfway in the loading bar?
Do this:
Open regedit.exe
Search Polaris
Delete everything and F3(search next) to the next file and delete everything about Polaris.
Repeat the second step and search YZYLAB
make sure everything about Polaris and YZYLAB has been deleted and reinstall.
Issues opening Polaris?
1. Delete all the files you can find in the following locations:
2. Restart your PC/Server.
3. Download the latest version here and run it as administrator
Can't add tasks?
Do this:
Delete all task related files in: %UserProfile%\polaris\data (just copy and paste this in your search and press enter)
e.g: otherTasks.json / shopifyTasks.json / appTasks.json etc.
And then re-open Polaris and you should be able to make tasks.
Special Mode stuck on Starting fix:
Close Polaris if you have it open. Then delete Polaris folder within Roaming folder.
Restart Polaris.
Upon restart. Polaris folder should appear by itself.
No stuck on "Starting..." anymore. Straight to "Waiting for Special Mode"
How to fix blank settings page:
Restart PC/Server.
Open Polaris as admin and then press CTRL + R.
Settings page should now be visible again.
How to fix Mac issue, Unidentified Developer
Try to open Polaris. If prompted with “Polaris can’t be opened because Apple cannot check it for malicious software," press "Ok".
Open settings and navigate to Security and Privacy.
At the top, select general and press "Open Anyways" near the bottom of that page.
Common errors guide for Adidas App.
Stuck on Started : Server may be down or your profiles are invalid (more likely the former)
Invalid credentials : Slow proxies or your email:password are incorrect
Hypeaccountalreadyparticipating : You have already entered the raffle
Invalid Address : Make sure your shipping information is valid, sometimes the bot will show this and you can restart the task without an error
Failed to enter event : Timed out or slow proxies, just restart your tasks
Internal Error : Restart your task and check if the PID is correct
Hypeaccountnotverified : Your accounts are not phone number verified, make sure they are.
Common errors guide for Footsites
Retrieving product failed : Site dead/Proxy issue
Error Proxy Connection Failed: Proxy Issue
Getting Session Failed : Site dead but could be proxy related
Retrieving token failed : Site dead, let it run
Adding shipping address failed : Profile format is incorrect, site dead or proxies are rate limited
Adding billing address failed : Card information is invalid or site dead
Submitting payment failed : Out of stock or site dead, let it run
Tunnel connection failed : Internet can’t handle task load or proxy issue
net:ERR_PROXY_CONNECTION_FAILED : If site is dead, you may see this because your proxies are unable to connect to the site. If this persists once site is back online, switch your proxies as they are dead
Many Declines : Due to the way the bot currently logs certain events “Loading Checkout failed” is logged as a decline. This is a general error when the site dies T
asks stay In Queue : If your tasks are stuck in queue, this can be because of a permanent queue or due to bad proxies.
Important notes for profiles :
1. Footlocker EU new regions (NO / DK / IE / SE / PT / CZ / BE / PL / IT) - Remove state from your profile
2. Footlocker EU all regions, Street and number needs to be in the “Street” field
Last updated
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